Functional features of various types of single-arm operated walkers

Summary: The single-arm operation walking aid is suitable for those with better balance ability, which can better reduce the load-bearing of the lower limbs, ...
The single-arm operation walking aid is suitable for those with better balance ability, which can better reduce the load-bearing of the lower limbs, provide support for the body, and maintain the overall balance. Single-arm operation walking aids are very common in life and rehabilitation, and have the characteristics of simple overall structure, small size, convenient operation, and easy portability. The supporting area is small, so it is relatively poor in terms of load-bearing and stability.

It is necessary to pay attention to the use of single-arm operation of walking aids. Before use, adjust the height of the walking aids according to the specific conditions of the user to make the height suitable for the user. Get more effective walking training. Two methods for determining the height of a walking aid for single-arm operation are described below, taking a cane as an example.
Method 1: The user needs to stand upright, so that the foot pads of the cane are located at a right angle distance of 15cm in front of the toes and outside the toes; when holding the cane, flex the elbow joint 30°, dorsiflex the wrist 30°, and hold the handle. high.
Method 2: The user needs to stand upright, the cane is parallel to the body, and the height of the cane is at the same height as the greater trochanter of the femur.
Functional characteristics of various types of single-arm operated walkers
Single crutches: Single crutches are our usual crutches, with single-point support, small support area, and limited weight sharing function, which can reduce the weight of the lower limbs on the affected side by 20%-30%, easy to carry, light, suitable for balance ability It is better for people with weak support ability. Such as mild hemiplegia patients, the elderly with healthy lower limb function, etc.
Multi-legged canes: Most of the common multi-legged canes are four-legged canes. There are four feet at the bottom of the stick, which increases the force bearing area and improves stability. The large bottom surface of the multi-legged cane is more suitable for slower steps. When walking quickly, the support points of the multi-legged cane will sway between each other, which will cause inconvenience. Multi-legged canes are used for hemiplegic patients with poor balance and just beginning to recover, users who are not safe enough to use single-point canes, and most of them are used temporarily. It is worth noting that since there are four legs at the bottom of the four-legged cane, it must be on a flat road in use, so that each leg is on the same level to ensure balance and stability; There are different directions from time to time, and you should use the direction with a large angle to approach yourself.
Elbow crutch: The elbow crutch is based on the single crutch, and the elbow rest is extended on the upper end of the single crutch handle, and the auxiliary support of the user's elbow is used to increase the weight-bearing capacity and stability. The main point of force is the wrist joint, and the forearm is also supported. It can reduce 40%-50% of the weight-bearing of the lower limbs on the affected side. The elbow crutch is relatively light, flexible and easy to use. The height of the elbow crutch should be adjusted based on the principle of not affecting the movement of the elbow, so that the upper edge of the elbow support and the olecranon are adjusted. Keep a distance of 3-4 cm.
Armpit crutches: Armpit crutches are supported by armpits and hands, and are suitable for those with poor lower limb support capabilities. They are generally used in pairs. Axillary crutches are suitable for users who cannot bear weight due to lower extremity diseases, such as spinal cord injury, polio, amputation, fractures, etc. The use of axillary crutches can improve body balance and lateral stability, and can reduce the weight-bearing of lower limbs by 70%. -80%. The focus of using axillary crutches is the wrist joint, and the load-bearing is mainly achieved through the wrist and thorax. The function of the axillary support is to grasp the direction and assist the thorax. When using, the axillary support and the armpit should be kept at a distance of 3-5cm to avoid compression. brachial plexus.